Konferenz Nationaler Kultureinrichtungen

State Palaces, Gardens and Art Collections of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

State Palaces, Gardens and Art Collections of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
The dukes of Mecklenburg demonstrated their power and influence by amassing impressive art collections and building magnificent castle ensembles. Since January 2018, these historical treasures of ducal representation were incorporated into a state-owned cultural institution – the State Palaces, Gardens and Art Collections of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (SSGV M‑V, for short). The goal was to consolidate efforts to preserve, study, present and publicise the architectural and art-historical heritage of the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. 

With eight castles, nine castle gardens and the Staatliches Museum Schwerin, the SSGK M‑W has become the most significant cultural institution in the history of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The museum has been presenting the ducal art collections to the public for some 140 years. Its holdings contain over 100,000 artworks including paintings by Lucas Cranach the Elder, Carel Fabritius, Caspar David Friedrich, Lyonel Feininger, Max Pechstein, Rachel Whiteread, Sigmar Polke and Wolfgang Mattheur. The Marcel Duchamp Collection is especially noteworthy, as it vividly documents practically every phase and aspect of the artist’s life and works. The holdings are further augmented by extensive collections of artisanal works and a cabinet of prints. In addition to their passion for collecting works of art, the former dukes underscored their claim to power in the form of palaces and magnificent gardens. Aside from the Schwerin Castle, these include palaces and gardens in Güstrow, Ludwigslust, Neustrelitz, Mirow, Hohenzieritz and Wiligrad. The SSGK M‑V also manages Bothmer Castle, the largest Baroque palatial complex in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, as well as the Granitz Hunting Lodge, the best-known landmark on the island of Rügen.

Please note: The Staatliches Museum Schwerin is currently closed for extensive renovation and modernisation. The museum will close as of 4 October 2021 and is scheduled to reopen in summer 2024. Even during the renovation phase, the museum will remain digitally accessible to all art and cultural enthusiasts, including a Best Of” exhibition at Schwerin Castle and an event series in the Cabinet of Prints.