Konferenz Nationaler Kultureinrichtungen

Lindenau-Museum Altenburg

Italy begins in Altenburg

The Lindenau Museum is internationally renowned for its 180 precious panels of early Italian painting. They were bequeathed to the Duchy of Saxony-Altenburg by the astronomer, stateman and art patron Bernhard August von Lindenau (17791854) and have been available to the viewing public since 1848.

The museum owns a diverse collection of ancient Greek and Etruscan ceramics, plaster casts of sculptures dating back to antiquity, the Renaissance and the Classical era, as well as a valuable art library. Works of modernity and classical modernism, as well as an extensive collection of 20th-and 21st-century artworks make the Lindenau Museum one of the most beautiful and unusual art museums in Germany.

The building that houses the museum has been closed since January 2020 for extensive renovation, modernisation and expansion. Located at the foot of the Altenburg Schlossberg, it is now undergoing its most thorough renovation since its original construction in 1876, including an extension to include the Herzoglicher Marstall“. Until it reopens, the Lindenau Museum continues to operate at its interim venue Kunstgasse 1” in downtown Altenburg with a small permanent exhibition, art school and presentation of exemplary works. Special exhibitions are currently taking place in the Prinzenpalais“ of the Altenburg Residential Palace.